Emma C. Perez M.Sc., President

Emma C. Perez, with a background in Chemical Engineering, holds a Masters Degree from University of California, Santa Barbara in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in thermo-fluid sciences. She is currently a process engineer consultant and provides expertise in the solution of physical property calculations and mass, heat, and momentum transference in chemical processes. She also has extensive experience in water treatment methods environmental issues related to reduction of emissions for regulatory compliance. She has a strong background that allows in depth technology comparisons from economic, operability, and reliability standpoints.


Renee J. Perez Rodriguez Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer

Renee J. Perez holds a Ph.D. in Computational Geochemistry from the University of California Santa Barbara specializing in reactive thermodynamic systems. He is recognized world-wide as an authority in applied thermodynamics, property estimation and correlation, and aqueous speciation. Renee is responsible for the creation of a novel application SPCALC, a multiphase chemical equilibrium reactive modeling software. This work created a new concept in chemical engineering by blending classical fluid phase equilibria and reactive aqueous speciation. Renee has extensive experience on flash calculation schemes, fluid phase behavior matching and high pressure-temperature phase equilibrium calculations. He was also a Research Associate in the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Calgary Canada, and has taught thermodynamic courses at University of California Santa Barbara and at the University of Calgary.


Robert Heidemann Ph.D., Senior Scientist Advisor

Dr. Heidemann holds B.Sc and D.Sc. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. He entered academia in 1963 and has held professorial positions since. During his appointment at the University of Calgary he had one-year periods as a Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley and at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby, Denmark. He was the Head of the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering from 1981 to 1992. He was awarded the status of Professor Emeritus on his formal retirement in 2002 and remains active in research and consulting.

His research interest has been in areas of applied thermodynamics for over 30 years. The main topics of his research include multiphase phenomena, critical behavior, equilibrium in reacting systems, high-pressure polymer/solvent phase behavior and, most recently, equilibrium involving water with multiple electrolytes, gases and hydrocarbon liquids. The emphasis has been on the development of efficient computational procedures as well as on correlation and prediction of complex behaviors. He has also coauthored the undergraduate text "An Introduction to the Properties of Fluids and Solids," which was first published in 1984 and is currently in its 7th printing.


Karim Ghesmat Ph.D.,Senior Research Scientist

Karim holds a PhD degree in chemical and petroleum engineering with focus on computational fluid dynamics. He has some years of industrial experiences in petrochemical and oil and gas industries including conventional and unconventional oil recovery processes. Karim is mainly expert in developing analytical and numerical models for enhanced oil recovery processes (EOR), nanoparticle flows in reservoirs, CO2 injection, in-situ combustion, and kinetic decomposition of oil shale. He has developed numerous models using computational fluid mechanics with application to enhanced oil recovery, solutal and thermal free convection in aquifers and hydrocarbon reservoirs, geological storage of Carbon-Dioxide, reactive and dispersive flows in porous media, and also general particle flows in the reservoirs. These models have had direct applications in oil recovery process such as in-situ upgrading of heavy oil, CO2 miscible flooding, thermal/solvent oil recovery, in-situ combustion, in-situ pyrolysis of oil shale and underground coal gasification.


Patrick McCallum, Software Development

Patrick is one of the developers of the reactive modeling simulators. He has a vast experience optimizing computational processes, as well as designing friendly graphical user interfaces. For the most demanding computational problems he is capable of programming in all major computer languages in science and engineering. He is currently developing fine grid and coarse grid parallel computing capabilities for the company.


Aquiles R. Fricke, B.Sc., Overseas Business Developer

With a background in software engineering and computer science, Aquiles has been involved in the development of the SPCALC software and has a firm understanding of the engineering approaches within the organization. He has extensive experience in management and entrepreneurship and is committed to globalizing the business activities and to expanding the range of company's domain.